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Concrete Logistics Dewatering Division (CL-DD) is a specialized contractor of contract dewatering and pumping services.  


Our offering includes turnkey installations and operation of construction dewatering systems, liquid transfer management, and bypass pumping systems.


At CL-DD, we believe, that by delivering professional service that guarantees customer excellence and satisfaction, we shall be the recognized leader in the dewatering industry by upholding superior Health and Safety policies and environmental standards.


With our experienced team and support services, we focus on giving our clients exceptional services, whatever the scale of the project.


Concrete logistics is in a strategic and technical partnership with Wellcore SA, the market leader in the Construction ground water control industry in South Africa.


With Wellcore’s extensive experience in delivering dewatering solutions, we provide an integrated world-class dewatering solution across multiple types of projects for lowering the ground water, facilitating excavation and development of infrastructure.


We take charge of all the dewatering functions or any related ground water lowering services or problems of your project with the support of our experienced team, Best Management Practices (BMP) in all aspects of our operations, from business design to project management to service delivery to our clients.


To learn more about our services or discuss the particular needs of your next project, please contact our business development department at or call us at:  0700-CONCRETE. 




We offer customized dewatering and drainage solutions along with comprehensive turnkey services, needed to manage the most demanding of dewatering and pumping solutions.


Our service offerings includes

  • WellPoint dewatering solutions- Basement excavations, civil works and pit excavations.

  • Pipeline dewatering.

  • Open Pump Solutions – Surface Water.

  • Over pumping solutions- sewage connections.

  • Assist with various other types of dewatering methods.


To perform professional Dewatering and pumping services to our various customers, we have an extensive and specialized inventory of superior dewatering, pumping and support equipment to facilitate the most demanding of dewatering projects. 


In our equipment inventory are a complete range of Pumps, header piping, well screens and hoses, etc. (To hire individually or as a complete turnkey package.) 




CL-DD offers the installation, operations and removal of temporary ground water extraction and aquifer depressurization systems.


Our construction dewatering services and specialties includes:

  • Vacuum WellPoint Dewatering Systems

  • Vacuum Eductor Dewatering Systems

  • Large Diameter suction and Vacuum Wells

  • Sump Well and Trench Drain Dewatering







For us to offer our dewatering and pumping services, we usually follow the following phases. We shall require specific information and Data as shall be required in preparing a proposal for each phase of the dewatering plan.


  • Design Phase

  • Tender Phase

  • Construction and Operational Phase.




  • Consulting Engineers Soil Investigation report

    • Grain size analysis and permeability test results.

    • Stratification and penetrability of the soil

    • Hydrology of the area.

  • Construction Schedule 

  • Space limitation of site and surrounding structures.

  • The Method of excavation and shoring where needed

  • Recommendation for preferable dewatering system for the specific project

  • Dewatering to be specified as a separate item on the BOQ




  • Presentation to client, of our understanding of your requirement.

  • Establishment and de-establishment

  • Dewatering System design methods

  • Proposal of the appropriate dewatering method, which could include a combination of methods

  • Size and type of dewatering pumps required

  • Daily supervision and attendance

  • General conditions of proposal






  • Installation of dewatering plant and systems

  • Draw down- Allow for a minimum of 7 days pumping before excavation

  • Operate and maintain the dewatering system on a 24 hour basis

  • Constant on going monitoring of the effectiveness of system

    • Provide immediate assistance and solutions to unexpected problems

    • Removal of dewatering plants and equipment on completion of project.










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